Snowy owl

Snowy owl
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Uploaded by Dana Howell on Jan 31 2021 in Belleville
Taken on Jan 24 2021

I have been waiting for the last 2 years to even get close to a Snowy Owl just to capture at least 1 quality picture. Just last week my friend informed me there was a snowy owl local - in the area - I could not go that day. The next day got up - did my morning routine - coffee - get dressed - grab camera's - out the door for the day. I decided to go to where my friend he had sited a snowy owl - low and behold - it was still there. I was so excited - I forgot what day it was - lol. I took a bunch of pictures - here is just one of those shots. I truly love the majestic flying ability the snowy owl.

Tagged: bird animal flying
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